These two sisters, both 25 years old, possess impressive intelligence, particularly in the fields of science and business. Neeka, formerly employed at a major tech company, chose to depart and co-found an eco-friendly fashion venture. Her sister, Leila, despite pursuing a medical career, joined her in this endeavor.

Green design concept is on top of the trend, two generations from the same family of 25 years old sister, foreshadowing changes in fashion. With a background in major tech company, the courageous Neeka decided to leave work and go for travel, launching a environmentally friendly fashion with a co-founder. Her sister, Leila while a student in medical college, showing her own enthusiasm did not forgo the option of such work.
The Rubi Labs business, which they launched during May 2020, was born out of the warfare of the pandemic. Neeka relied on the precedence from crisis practical experience as well as persistence of the outstanding scientists in history in order to utilize her own savings for their business kick-off. With the experience of humanizing the given sentence, the story becomes an example of inspiration and motivation to future entrepreneurs who manage uncertainties of venture.
At the heart of Rubi Labs lies a groundbreaking technique: the enrichment of carbon dioxide from the output of manufacturing effluent utilizing their exclusive enzyme technology. From it, gas is extracted experiencing a concealing process, ultimately ending up in the form of cellulose pulp which is a textile material of immense diversity.
Over the older times, rayon, called viscose, is derived mostly from vegetable pulp, causing great deforestation. This, in turn, is likely to be the demise of such outdated methods leading to the introduction of the compelling game-changing fabrics produced mainly from carbon emissions by Rubi Labs. They do that with the use of modern technology, no need very low water and land requirements. In process they not only conserve environment but generate zero waste. they not only synthetically produce biodegradable materials at the beginning of their lifecycle but also obey the sustainable principles in the later stage which is their disposal.
Fashion moves towards a more sustainable future. The friendship between Neeka and Leila that is the key to the success of this business, demonstrate what innovation, perseverance, and sisterhood can do. For Rubi Labs team, they not only rethink the existing concept of sustainable fashion but also provoke an idea in younger generation to incorporate creativity in creationg a more caring planet.